Automatic Plant Waterer

Planter for Beginners
Created by Ashley Heckman (agh93) & Maria Boza (mib57)
May 12, 2023

Demonstration Video


This final project was created by Maria Boza (mib57) & Ashley Heckman (agh93) for Cornell’s ECE 5725 Spring 2023 class. We implemented a planter that has many capabilities. The brains of our project is the Raspberry Pi 4 (RPi), which has been used all semester to work on our labs. We used four sensor readings: soil moisture, humidity, temperature, and light. These were received with a plant monitor and photoresistor sensor. We also implemented a camera to send a live feed of the plant to a website. We used python to code all of the sensor readings, the camera, and the GUI (which was displayed on the piTFT). This project is geared towards new plant owners who do not know much about plants and would like help. It is also geared towards people who cannot water their own plants.


Project Objective:

  • Use a water pump to automatically water a plant
  • Set different watering schedules
  • Measure soil moisture, humidity, temperature, and light
  • Display a live feed of the plant


We decided to make a product that will help plant growers have the ability to leave their plants unattended but still have them get watered. It also supports new plant growers in understanding how to water their new plants through the recommended watering cycles. Our system utilizes a water reservoir and a planter, along with the RPi, sensors, and water pump. The water reservoir is connected to one side of the water pump, and tubing leading to the planter is connected to the other side of the water pump. We attached tubing around the edge of the planter, poking holes facing towards the plant in order to water it.

We decided to create three watering modes: manual, moisture, and interval. Manual mode requires that the user presses start and stop to turn the water on and off. Moisture mode will automatically water the plant when the soil moisture drops below a set value. Interval mode will automatically water the plant at the specified interval.

The RPi is the brains of our embedded system, and it controls the watering of the plant, reads the sensor values, and displays/controls the GUI. We used moisture, humidity, temperature, and light because that is the basis of what a plant needs to survive. We created a GUI that shows the user current sensor readings, the last time the plant was watered, and the current watering schedule. It also allows the user to change the watering schedule. We created another program that can run at the same time as this that displays a live feed of the plant. As we started the project, we planted the seeds in a 3D-printed planter. This was the best way to do it because it allowed us to create a pot that precisely fits our sensors, the tubing, and our water pump. All components are described in more detail below.

Plant Monitor
We used the Monk Makes plant monitor to measure temperature, humidity, and soil moisture. The sensor communicates with the RPi through a serial UART connection. It has five pins: GND, 3V, TX_OUT, RX_IN, and an analog pin to be used for just reading soil moisture. Since we wanted all of the measurements from this sensor, we ignored the analog pin. We hooked GND up to our common ground from the RPi, 3V up to 3.3V from the RPi, TX_OUT up to RX on the RPi, and RX_IN up to TX on the RPi. A diagram of these connections is shown below in Drawing 2. To program this sensor, we simply went to the github page listed on the instruction manual and copied over their functions for reading the different values. When we wanted to read the values, we called the functions.

Light Sensor
The sunlight sensor consists of a photoresistor and a capacitor. We connected one side of the photoresistor to 3.3V and the other side to the positive end of the capacitor. The negative end of the capacitor was connected to ground. We then connected GPIO 16 to the junction of the photoresistor and capacitor. We measured the amount of light by setting the GPIO as an output and outputting low, then immediately setting it as an input and counting how long it took for the signal to switch from low to high. The faster the signal switched, the more light in the area. We wanted a higher number to correspond to more light, so we found the maximum time that it took for the signal to switch, then subtracted the measured time from that value, and displayed that. A schematic of this circuit is shown in Drawing 3.

Water Pump
We connected one end of our water pump to our water reservoir and the other to the tubing attached to the border of our planter. The pump was controlled with a motor driver and a PWM signal. Through trial and error, we found a frequency and duty cycle that watered the plant well. The water pump has two inputs: power and ground. We connected power to an output on the motor controller, and ground to our common ground. The water pump is the only external electronic that requires a power supply to work and function as needed. It runs at 12V, and the Rpi cannot supply that much voltage. A drawing of the water pump circuit is shown in Drawing 4.

We used a RPi Camera to display a livestream of our plant. To do this, we simply copied the web streaming code from the PiCamera documentation. We edited the HTML website, but the underlying code is all the same. To get this to work, we had to open the RPi configuration settings and turn on camera support. The Rpi itself hosted this website, located at 'RPi IP Address':8000/index.html. To find the IP address, we typed ‘ifconfig -a’ into the command line. The website is only live while we’re running our program, so we’ve included a picture of our website.


Live Stream Website Hosted on RPi, Viewed on Laptop

We used PyGame to create the GUI. The GUI has 11 different screens that it can display. The first screen is the homescreen, which displays the current sensor readings, the time the plant was last watered, and the current watering schedule. If the system is in manual watering mode, this screen will allow the user to start and stop the water. The user can also edit the schedule from this screen.

If the user decides to edit the schedule, the GUI transitions to screen 1. This screen displays all three watering modes, and gives a short description of each mode. If the user selects a mode, it will display in blue instead of white, indicating that it’s been selected. Once the user selects a mode and clicks next, the GUI transitions to the next screen. If the user selected manual or interval mode, this is screen 2. If the user selected moisture mode, this is screen 3.

The second screen repeats the short description of the mode selected, then prompts the user to input their desired value (if applicable), then set the schedule. If the user selected manual mode, there is nothing to input. If the user selected moisture mode, they can input moisture levels from 1% to 100%. If the user selected interval mode, they can input a wide range of intervals ranging from seconds to days. If the user tries to input an invalid interval (for example, 10 seconds every 5 seconds), the GUI doesn’t allow the user to proceed to the next screen. Once the user selects set, the GUI returns to the homescreen.

The third screen is part of the moisture sensing mode, and prompts the user to enter their plant type. There are four categories: flowers, fruits, trees/shrubs, and manual moisture value. If the user selects ‘my own value,’ the GUI will transition to screen 2. Otherwise, if the user selects a plant type, the GUI will transition to screen 4 for flowers, 6 for fruits, and 7 for trees. Screens 4 and 5 display the list of flowers. Screen 6 displays the list of fruits. Screens 7, 8, and 9 display the list of trees/shrubs. The last screen for all plant types also has an ‘other’ option, which averages the recommended moisture level for all plants in that category, then recommends that value. If the user selects a specific plant from the list then clicks next, the GUI transitions to screen 10. If the user selects other, the GUI advances to screen 11.

Screen 10 displays the moisture mode, the name of the plant selected, and the recommended soil moisture value for that plant. From this screen, the user can either click set (returning to the homescreen and updating the schedule), edit (going to screen 2 but starting with the recommended value instead of the previous value), back, or cancel. Screen 11 displays the moisture mode, plant type selected, and the recommended value for that plant type. The user has the same options as screen 10 from this screen.

The GUI is controlled by a big while code_run loop. We store a global variable keeping track of the screens, and we call the function that displays the corresponding screen in each iteration. We check for button presses in every iteration of this loop. If we’re on the homescreen, the GUI also reads in new sensor values in every iteration. If the GUI is on the homescreen and moisture mode is selected, it checks if the plant is currently being watered. If it is being watered and the soil moisture is at or equal to the selected value, it turns the water off. If it’s not being watered and the soil moisture is below the selected value, it turns the water on. We do this instead of a while measured moisture < desired moisture loop because it allows us to still respond to button presses. If we’re in interval mode and on the homescreen, the GUI will check if the plant is currently being watered. If it is, it checks if the current time is greater than or equal to the watering start time plus how long the water needs to run, and turns the water off if this is true. If it isn’t being watered, the GUI will check if the current time is greater than or equal to the time the water ended plus the time between waterings, and if this is true, it will start the water.

We decided to only allow the plant to be watered when the GUI is on the homescreen. We felt that if the user is changing the schedule, they wouldn’t want the plant to be watered during that time, so we turn the water off when the user selects edit schedule. The GUI calculates how long to water in internal mode by converting all times to seconds. From there, knowing that the user inputted ‘a units0 every b units1,’ we can calculate how long to wait between waterings. The water time is simply a (in seconds), and the time between is b - a (also in seconds). Almost every screen has a back or cancel button. A picture of the GUI homescreen is shown below.

GUI Picture


Drawing 1 shows a high level overview of all of the hardware components of our project. The diagram comprises the RPi/piTFT, which are placed one on top of the other and connected to the main breadboard with the Pi Cobbler (labeled extender). This connector allows other peripherals to link to pins that the piTFT does not use. A camera is connected to the RPi directly through a camera port on the device. A photoresistor is connected to a capacitor and a GPIO pin on the RPi. The motor driver is connected to a PWM pin on the RPi; the water pump’s VCC and ground connectors, and an external power supply of 12V. One end of the water pump is connected to the reservoir (input) and the other to the plant (output). The last thing is the plant monitor sensor. This sensor is connected to the positive(+) and negative/ground (-) sides of the breadboard, and RX and TX pins on the RPi. Drawings 2, 3, and 4 give a more in-depth view of the individual component hookups.

High Level Overview

Drawing 1: High Level Overview

Plant Monitor Light

Drawings 2 and 3: Plant Monitor and Light Sensor Schematics

Water Pump

Drawing 4: Water Pump Schematic


Testing was done in sections. We started by creating the 3D-printed pot; we went through about four different iterations of the flower pot. This was because we wanted to make sure that everything fit perfectly together. The first thing that was created was the homescreen of the GUI. From there, we tested the water pump alongside the sensors and the camera. Once all parts worked, we integrated them and made our final demo. The following is our testing of each of the significant components of our project.

Plant Monitor
We worked with two different moisture sensors throughout this project. The first sensor worked, but could only determine if the moisture level exceeded a certain threshold, which could be changed by spinning a screw on the sensor. Because of this, we decided to try a new sensor to measure the moisture level, and we ordered the plant monitor sensor.

The plant monitor can sense soil moisture, humidity, and temperature. This sensor was better to use because it gave us real values and not just high/low. It also didn’t take up any GPIO pins, as all communication with the RPi was through a serial UART connection. This sensor also had a lot more documentation than our original sensor, making it much easier to work with.

We tested this component by holding the top part (which measures temperature and humidity), and watching both values increase. When we released the sensor, the values both returned to around where they were before. We repeated this with the bottom part (the prong that gets inserted into the soil), and watched as the moisture level rose when we held it and fell when we released it.

Light Sensor
We also worked with two different light sensors. The first sensor was a board with a photoresistor, resistor, and three pins: VCC, ground, and signal. We couldn’t find any documentation for this sensor, and when we tried to code it and hook it up, it only read 0. We decided to change to a regular photoresistor and capacitor instead. We tested this by holding our hand over the photoresistor and watching the measured light level drop, then holding a flashlight up to the photoresistor and watching the measured light level rise. While testing this sensor, we noticed that the values were never exactly the same, so we decided to round our light value to the nearest 50. The value still changes some, but it is much more stable with this modification.

Water Pump
We obtained two pumps before starting this project. The first pump seemed much more complex, especially since we couldn’t find any documentation for it. The second pump had more documentation and seemed simpler, so we decided to use that pump. This pump is very similar to a motor. Given this, we used a motor driver with a PWM signal to control the pump. To test that the pump worked, we hooked the power and ground wires directly to our power supply, and watched the water pump. We found that the pump only worked when placed in a specific orientation, and mode note of this for future reference.

One interesting thing we found when implementing the water pump control was that GPIO 6 had to be specified as an output and set to low for the pump to work. We found this surprising, as we had power hooked up to GPIO 5 and ground hooked up to our common ground. We didn’t have anything connected to AOUT2, so we were surprised that the AIN2 input mattered.

We tested that the camera worked by using the preview command. We learned that the module could do some cool things to the image, such as putting a ‘filter’ on it or adding text to what the camera sees. In the end, we didn’t use these features, but we enjoyed playing with them during development. We tested the camera by running the live stream code and observing the website. We quickly found that the website was indeed displaying what the camera saw, so we concluded that the camera was working.

We tested the GUI by observing what happens when buttons are pressed. For buttons that don’t switch screens (such as turning the water on or off), we began testing by printing out a statement acknowledging that a certain button had been pressed. As we tested and integrated the other sensors, we moved away from testing with print statements and towards observing what happens with the system. We tried to (and think we succeeded with) pressing all buttons on all screens to test the GUI, and consequently, the system as a whole.


Our project is fully functional and works as intended. Our user interface displays all of the information that the user needs: soil moisture, humidity, air temperature, amount of light, the last time the plant was watered, and the current watering cycle. It also gives the user a lot of flexibility in how they want to water their plants. The soil moisture level increases as the plant is watered (as expected), and the temperature and humidity increase if we hold those sensors (also as expected). The light decreases if we put our hand over the sensor, and increases if we hold a flashlight up to it. Our camera feature is also fully operational; the user can see a live feed of their plant as long as they’re on the same network as the RPi.

The user can choose from three watering schedules: manual, moisture, and interval. The manual option allows the user to turn the water pump on and off. The moisture mode will automatically water the plant when the soil moisture drops below the set level. The user can input their own value for this, or they can use our recommended values. The user selects a recommended value by picking their plant type: flower, fruit, or tree/shrub. If their plant is in the list, they can simply select their plant. Otherwise, they can select other and get a recommended value for their plant type as a whole. The interval option allows for a timed approach to watering the plant. For example, the user can set the system to water for 10 seconds every 3 days.

All in all, we created a system for both beginners and for people who can’t water their own plants. In the end, everything performed as planned and we met all goals outlined in the project objectives. Luckily, we didn’t run into anything that we couldn’t get working.

Future Work
Although our time in class has ended, our work on this project has not. In the future, we plan on putting our system in a display case. This will require some modification, as we cannot have water or motors in our display. If we had more time in this class, we would have liked to add more features to our system.

One idea was to take pictures of our plant at a set interval, then display a time lapse on our website. It would be nice if the camera was in the same position relative to the plant for all pictures, so we’d also like to build a stand for the camera. Another idea was to allow the user to edit the watering schedule through the website. We also would have liked to store previous sensor measurements and display them in graphs on the website. Our last idea was to have our system search the internet for recommended moisture values or watering intervals, and use that to recommend values to the user, rather than storing specific plants in an array.

Work Distribution

Group Picture

Group Picture with Our New Plant, Martha the Marigold


Ashley Heckman

  • Designed and implemented the GUI
  • Established control for all watering modes
  • Created the website

Maria Boza

  • Worked on the integration of the sensors and camera
  • Created the website
  • Kept Martha the Marigold alive!

Parts List

Total: $155.66


Code Appendix

# Ashley Heckman (agh93) & Maria Boza (mib57)
  # Wednesday Lab, Team 6
  # ECE 5725 Final Project
  import time
  import pygame
  import os
  from pygame.locals import*
  import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
  from plant_monitor import PlantMonitor
  # TFT/Monitor Display Stuff
  # Display on the piTFT (comment to display on monitor)
  os.putenv('SDL_VIDEODRIVER', 'fbcon')
  os.putenv('SDL_FBDEV', '/dev/fb0') # TFT is fb1 w monitor connected, fb0 without monitor connected
  os.putenv('SDL_MOUSEDRV', 'TSLIB')
  os.putenv('SDL_MOUSEDEV', '/dev/input/touchscreen')
  # Basic Pygame Stuff
  # Don't show mouse cursor if we're displaying on piTFT (comment if displaying on monitor)
  black = 0  , 0  , 0
  white = 255, 255, 255
  red   = 255, 0  , 0
  green = 0  , 255, 0
  blue  = 0  , 0  , 255
  sel   = 0  , 213, 255
  nsel  = 70 , 70  , 70
  size = width, height = 320, 240
  body  = pygame.font.Font(None, 20)
  header = pygame.font.Font(None, 25)
  plant = pygame.font.Font(None, 17)
  screen = pygame.display.set_mode(size)
  screen_num = 0
  # Water Pump Basic Control
  # Water pump power output, don't want it to pump to start with
  GPIO.output(5, GPIO.LOW)
  GPIO.output(6, GPIO.LOW)
  # PWM Instance
  GPIO.setup(26, GPIO.OUT)
  pwm26 = GPIO.PWM(26, 100)
  # Keep track of if we're currently watering the plant
  currently_watering = False
  # Keep track of the time that we last started and stopped the water
  last_water_start = time.time()
  last_water_end = time.time()
  # Keep track of if we've watered the plant yet
  watered = False
  # Start water function
  def start_water():
      # Send power to the motor
      GPIO.output(5, GPIO.HIGH)
      # Update variable to reflect we're currently watering
      global currently_watering
      currently_watering = True
      # Update the last water start time
      global last_water_start
      last_water_start = time.time()
      # Update to reflect that plant has been watered at least once
      global watered
      watered = True
      # Print that we've started water along with the time
      print("Water Started: " + str(time.localtime(last_water_start)[1]) + "/" + str(time.localtime(last_water_start)[2]) + " @ " + str(time.localtime(last_water_start)[3]) + ":" + str(time.localtime(last_water_start)[4]) + ":" + str(time.localtime(last_water_start)[5]))
  # Stop water function
  def stop_water():
      # Send power to the motor
      GPIO.output(5, GPIO.LOW)
      # Update variable to reflect we're not currently watering
      global currently_watering
      currently_watering = False
      # Update the last water stop time
      global last_water_end
      last_water_end = time.time()
      # Print that we've stopped water along with the time
      print("Water Stopped: " + str(time.localtime(last_water_end)[1]) + "/" + str(time.localtime(last_water_end)[2]) + " @ " + str(time.localtime(last_water_end)[3]) + ":" + str(time.localtime(last_water_end)[4]) + ":" + str(time.localtime(last_water_end)[5]))
  # Quit Button
  GPIO.setup(27, GPIO.IN, pull_up_down = GPIO.PUD_UP)
  code_run = True
  # Quit the program and stop the water pump
  def GPIO27_callback(channel):
      global code_run
      code_run = False
  GPIO.add_event_detect(27, GPIO.FALLING, callback = GPIO27_callback, bouncetime = 300)
  # Watering Modes
  schedule_type = ["Manual", "Moisture Sensor", "Intervals"]
  schedule_selected = 0
  desired_moisture = 0
  # Setup the soil moisture/temperature/humidity sensor
  moisture = 0
  temp = 0
  humidity = 0
  pm = PlantMonitor()
  # Setup the light sensor
  light = 0
  def measure_light():
      count = 0
      # setup pin as output and direction low value
      GPIO.setup(16, GPIO.OUT)
      GPIO.output(16, GPIO.LOW)
      # setup pin as input and wait for low value
      GPIO.setup(16, GPIO.IN)
      # This takes about 1 millisecond per loop cycle
      while (GPIO.input(16) == GPIO.LOW):
          count += 1
      # Cap count at 3000 (looks like that's the cap anyway through experimentation)
      if count > 3000:
          count = 3000
      # Invert (so high value corresponds to more light)
      count = 3000 - count
      # Round count to nearest 50
      count = round(count/50)*50
      return count
  # GUI Homescreen
  # Home screen buttons
  home_buttons = {'Start/Stop Water':(int(width/4), 220), 'Edit Schedule':(int(3*width/4), 220)}
  home_buttons_rect = {}
  # Display the GUI homepage (screen 0)
  def display_home():
      # Erase everything on the screen
      # Display moisture level
      moisture_text = "Soil Moisture: " + str(moisture) + "%"
      moisture_text_surface = body.render(moisture_text, True, white)
      moisture_rect = moisture_text_surface.get_rect(center = (int(width/2), 15))
      screen.blit(moisture_text_surface, moisture_rect)
      # Display temperature
      temp_text = "Air Temperature: " + str(temp) + "° F"
      temp_text_surface = body.render(temp_text, True, white)
      temp_rect = temp_text_surface.get_rect(center = (int(width/2), 40))
      screen.blit(temp_text_surface, temp_rect)
      # Display humidity
      humidity_text = "Humidity: " + str(humidity) + "%"
      humidity_text_surface = body.render(humidity_text, True, white)
      humidity_rect = humidity_text_surface.get_rect(center = (int(width/2), 65))
      screen.blit(humidity_text_surface, humidity_rect)
      # Display light
      light_text = "Light: " + str(light)
      light_text_surface = body.render(light_text, True, white)
      light_rect = light_text_surface.get_rect(center = (int(width/2), 90))
      screen.blit(light_text_surface, light_rect)
      # Display time the plant was last watered header
      water_header_text = "Last Watered"
      water_header_text_surface = header.render(water_header_text, True, white)
      water_header_rect = water_header_text_surface.get_rect(center = (int(width/2), 120))
      screen.blit(water_header_text_surface, water_header_rect)
      # If we haven't watered the plant yet, display N/A for time plant was last watered
      if not watered:
          water_text = "N/A"
          water_text_surface = body.render(water_text, True, white)
          water_rect = water_text_surface.get_rect(center = (int(width/2), 140))
          screen.blit(water_text_surface, water_rect)
      # Display time the plant was last watered
      elif not currently_watering:
          last_water_start_text = str(time.localtime(last_water_start)[1]) + "/" + str(time.localtime(last_water_start)[2]) + " " + str((time.localtime(last_water_start)[3], time.localtime(last_water_start)[3] - 12)[time.localtime(last_water_start)[3] > 12]) + (":", ":0")[time.localtime(last_water_start)[4] < 10] + str(time.localtime(last_water_start)[4]) + (".", ".0")[time.localtime(last_water_start)[5] < 10] + str(time.localtime(last_water_start)[5]) + (" am", " pm")[time.localtime(last_water_start)[3] > 11]
          last_water_end_text =   str(time.localtime(last_water_end)[1])   + "/" + str(time.localtime(last_water_end)[2])   + " " + str((time.localtime(last_water_end)[3], time.localtime(last_water_end)[3] - 12)[time.localtime(last_water_end)[3] > 12])       + (":", ":0")[time.localtime(last_water_end)[4] < 10]   + str(time.localtime(last_water_end)[4])   + (".", ":0")[time.localtime(last_water_end)[5] < 10]   + str(time.localtime(last_water_end)[5])   + (" am", " pm")[time.localtime(last_water_end)[3] > 11]
          water_text = last_water_start_text + " - " + last_water_end_text
          water_text_surface = body.render(water_text, True, white)
          water_rect = water_text_surface.get_rect(center = (int(width/2), 140))
          screen.blit(water_text_surface, water_rect)
      # If we're currently watering, it doesn't make sense to display times, so just display that we're currently watering
          water_text = "Currently Watering"
          water_text_surface = body.render(water_text, True, white)
          water_rect = water_text_surface.get_rect(center = (int(width/2), 140))
          screen.blit(water_text_surface, water_rect)
      # Display the watering schedule header
      schedule_header_text = "Current Watering Schedule"
      schedule_header_text_surface = header.render(schedule_header_text, True, white)
      schedule_header_rect = schedule_header_text_surface.get_rect(center = (int(width/2), 170))
      screen.blit(schedule_header_text_surface, schedule_header_rect)
      # Display the current watering schedule
      schedule_text = (("Water for " + str(interval_w_time) + " " + str(interval_units[interval_w_time_selected]) + " every " + str(interval_b_time) + " " + str(interval_units[interval_b_time_selected]), "Water when soil moisture < " + str(desired_moisture) + "%")[schedule_selected == 1], schedule_type[0])[schedule_selected == 0]
      schedule_text_surface = body.render(schedule_text, True, white)
      schedule_rect = schedule_text_surface.get_rect(center = (int(width/2), 190))
      screen.blit(schedule_text_surface, schedule_rect)
      # Display the buttons
      for button_text, text_pos in home_buttons.items():
        if button_text == "Start/Stop Water":
            text_surface = body.render(("Start Water", "Stop Water")[currently_watering], True, (nsel, white)[schedule_selected == 0])
            text_surface = body.render(button_text, True, white)
        rect = text_surface.get_rect(center = text_pos)
        screen.blit(text_surface, rect)
        home_buttons_rect[button_text] = rect
      # Display the new screen
  # GUI Select Mode Screen
  control_buttons = {'Next':(int(width/4), 220), 'Cancel':(int(3*width/4), 220)}
  control_buttons_rect = {}
  sched_buttons = {'Manual':(30, 10), 'Moisture':(30, 88), 'Intervals':(30, 150)}
  sched_buttons_rect = {}
  manual_selected = False
  moisture_selected = False
  intervals_selected = False
  # Display the GUI to edit schedule page (screen 1)
  def display_set_schedule1():
      # Erase everything on the screen
      # Display the control buttons
      for button_text, text_pos in sched_buttons.items():
        if (button_text == "Manual" and manual_selected):
          text_surface = header.render(button_text, True, sel)
        elif (button_text == "Moisture" and moisture_selected):
            text_surface = header.render(button_text, True, sel)
        elif (button_text == "Intervals" and intervals_selected):
            text_surface = header.render(button_text, True, sel)
            text_surface = header.render(button_text, True, white)
        rect = text_surface.get_rect(topleft = text_pos)
        screen.blit(text_surface, rect)
        sched_buttons_rect[button_text] = rect
      # Display the description for each schedule type
      manual_descript1_surface = body.render("The user may manually turn on and off the ", True, white)
      manual_descript2_surface = body.render("water. The system will not automatically", True, white)
      manual_descript3_surface = body.render("water the plant in this mode.", True, white)
      screen.blit(manual_descript1_surface, manual_descript1_surface.get_rect(topleft = (30, 30)))
      screen.blit(manual_descript2_surface, manual_descript2_surface.get_rect(topleft = (30, 45)))
      screen.blit(manual_descript3_surface, manual_descript3_surface.get_rect(topleft = (30, 60)))
      moisture_descript1_surface = body.render("Automatically water the plant when the", True, white)
      moisture_descript2_surface = body.render("soil moisture dips below a set level.", True, white)
      screen.blit(moisture_descript1_surface, moisture_descript1_surface.get_rect(topleft = (30, 108)))
      screen.blit(moisture_descript2_surface, moisture_descript2_surface.get_rect(topleft = (30, 123)))
      interval_descript1_surface = body.render("Automatically water the plant for a", True, white)
      interval_descript2_surface = body.render("set amount of time at a set interval.", True, white)
      screen.blit(interval_descript1_surface, interval_descript1_surface.get_rect(topleft = (30, 170)))
      screen.blit(interval_descript2_surface, interval_descript2_surface.get_rect(topleft = (30, 185)))
      # Display the control buttons
      for button_text, text_pos in control_buttons.items():
        if (button_text == "Next" and not (manual_selected or moisture_selected or intervals_selected)):
            text_surface = body.render(button_text, True, nsel)
          text_surface = body.render(button_text, True, white)
        rect = text_surface.get_rect(center = text_pos)
        screen.blit(text_surface, rect)
        control_buttons_rect[button_text] = rect
      # Display the new screen
  # GUI Set Values for Selected Mode Screen
  # Basic control buttons
  control_buttons2 = {"Set":(int(width/4), 220), "Back":(int(2*width/4), 220), "Cancel":(int(3*width/4), 220)}
  control_buttons2_rect = {}
  moisture_buttons = {"U_hund":((138,105), (141,100), (144,105)), "U_ten":((149,105), (152,100), (155,105)), "U_one":((160,105), (163,100), (166,105)),
                      "D_hund":((138,110), (141,115), (144,110)), "D_ten":((149,110), (152,115), (155,110)), "D_one":((160,110), (163,115), (166,110))}
  moisture_buttons_rect = {}
  interval_arrows = {"U_w_ten":((45,90), (48,85), (51,90)), "U_w_one":((56,90), (59,85), (62,90)), 
                     "U_w_unit":((95,90), (100,85), (105,90)), "U_b_ten":((185,90), (188,85), (191,90)), 
                     "U_b_one":((196,90), (199,85), (202,90)), "U_b_unit":((235,90), (240,85), (245,90)), 
                     "D_w_ten":((45,95), (48,100), (51,95)), "D_w_one":((56,95), (59,100), (62,95)), 
                     "D_w_unit":((95,95), (100,100), (105,95)), "D_b_ten":((185,95), (188,100), (191,95)), 
                     "D_b_one":((196,95), (199,100), (202,95)), "D_b_unit":((235,95), (240,100), (245,95))}
  interval_arrows_rect = {}
  interval_units = ("seconds", "minutes", "hours", "days")
  interval_w_time_selected = 0
  interval_b_time_selected = 1
  interval_w_time_selected_tent = 0
  interval_b_time_selected_tent = 2
  moisture_thous = 0
  moisture_hund = 0
  moisture_ten = 0
  moisture_one = 0
  interval_time_b_ten = 0
  interval_time_b_one = 1
  interval_time_w_ten = 0
  interval_time_w_one = 5
  interval_b_time = 10*interval_time_b_ten + interval_time_b_one
  interval_w_time = 10*interval_time_w_ten + interval_time_w_one
  # The time for each watering is just the watering time that the user specifies
  water_time_sec = 10*interval_time_w_ten + interval_time_w_one
  if interval_w_time_selected > 0:
      water_time_sec *= 60
  if interval_w_time_selected > 1:
      water_time_sec *= 60
  if interval_w_time_selected > 2:
      water_time_sec *= 24
  # The time between waterings is equal to the "every ___" time minus the time we want to water for
  # For example, if we want to water the plant for 1 second every 5 seconds, we would
  # water for 1 second, wait for 4 seconds, water for 1 second, wait for 4 seconds, etc.
  between_time_sec = 10*interval_time_b_ten + interval_time_b_one
  if interval_b_time_selected > 0:
      between_time_sec *= 60
  if interval_b_time_selected > 1:
      between_time_sec *= 60
  if interval_b_time_selected > 2:
      between_time_sec *= 24
  between_time_sec -= water_time_sec
  # Display the GUI to edit schedule page (screen 2)
  def display_set_schedule2():
      # Erase everything on the screen
      # Display header for type of schedule user chose
      sched_header_surface = header.render((("Interval Mode","Moisture Sensing Mode")[moisture_selected],"Manual Mode")[manual_selected], True, white)
      screen.blit(sched_header_surface, sched_header_surface.get_rect(center = (int(width/2), 20)))
      # If user selected manual mode, nothing more for them to do. Give brief message
      if manual_selected:
          manual_sel1_surface = body.render("The user is in charge of watering the plant. ", True, white)
          manual_sel2_surface = body.render("The system will not automatically water the", True, white)
          manual_sel3_surface = body.render("plant in this mode.", True, white)
          manual_sel4_surface = body.render("Click set to save these changes.", True, white)
          manual_sel5_surface = body.render("Click back to select a different mode.", True, white)
          manual_sel6_surface = body.render("Click cancel to return to the homescreen", True, white)
          manual_sel7_surface = body.render("and discard all changes.", True, white)
          screen.blit(manual_sel1_surface, manual_sel1_surface.get_rect(center = (int(width/2), 50)))
          screen.blit(manual_sel2_surface, manual_sel2_surface.get_rect(center = (int(width/2), 70)))
          screen.blit(manual_sel3_surface, manual_sel3_surface.get_rect(center = (int(width/2), 90)))
          screen.blit(manual_sel4_surface, manual_sel4_surface.get_rect(center = (int(width/2), 130)))
          screen.blit(manual_sel5_surface, manual_sel5_surface.get_rect(center = (int(width/2), 150)))
          screen.blit(manual_sel6_surface, manual_sel6_surface.get_rect(center = (int(width/2), 170)))
          screen.blit(manual_sel7_surface, manual_sel7_surface.get_rect(center = (int(width/2), 185)))
      # If user selected moisture mode, prompt for desired moisture level
      elif moisture_selected:
          moisture_sel1_surface = body.render("The system will automatically water the plant", True, white)
          moisture_sel2_surface = body.render("when the soil moisture level drops below", True, white)
          moisture_sel3_surface = body.render(str(moisture_hund) + " " + str(moisture_ten) + " " + str(moisture_one) + " %", True, white)
          moisture_sel4_surface = body.render("Click set to save these changes.", True, white)
          moisture_sel5_surface = body.render("Click back to select a different mode.", True, white)
          moisture_sel6_surface = body.render("Click cancel to return to the homescreen", True, white)
          moisture_sel7_surface = body.render("and discard all changes.", True, white)
          screen.blit(moisture_sel1_surface, moisture_sel1_surface.get_rect(center = (int(width/2), 50)))
          screen.blit(moisture_sel2_surface, moisture_sel2_surface.get_rect(center = (int(width/2), 70)))
          screen.blit(moisture_sel3_surface, moisture_sel3_surface.get_rect(center = (int(width/2), 90)))
          screen.blit(moisture_sel4_surface, moisture_sel4_surface.get_rect(center = (int(width/2), 130)))
          screen.blit(moisture_sel5_surface, moisture_sel5_surface.get_rect(center = (int(width/2), 150)))
          screen.blit(moisture_sel6_surface, moisture_sel6_surface.get_rect(center = (int(width/2), 170)))
          screen.blit(moisture_sel7_surface, moisture_sel7_surface.get_rect(center = (int(width/2), 185)))
          # Diplay the number control arrows
          for label, tri_pos in moisture_buttons.items():
              if (label == "U_hund"):
                  tri = pygame.draw.polygon(screen, (nsel, white)[moisture_hund < 1], tri_pos)
              elif (label == "U_ten"):
                  tri = pygame.draw.polygon(screen, (nsel, white)[moisture_ten < 9 and moisture_hund < 1], tri_pos)
              elif (label == "U_one"):
                  tri = pygame.draw.polygon(screen, (nsel, white)[moisture_one < 9 and moisture_hund < 1], tri_pos)
              elif (label == "D_hund"):
                  tri = pygame.draw.polygon(screen, (nsel, white)[moisture_hund > 0], tri_pos)
              elif (label == "D_ten"):
                  tri = pygame.draw.polygon(screen, (nsel, white)[moisture_ten > 0], tri_pos)
              elif (label == "D_one"):
                  tri = pygame.draw.polygon(screen, (nsel, white)[moisture_one > 0], tri_pos)
              moisture_buttons_rect[label] = tri
      # If user selected interval mode, prompt for desired watering interval
      elif intervals_selected:
          interval_sel1_surface = body.render("The system will automatically water the plant", True, white)
          interval_sel2_surface = body.render(str(interval_time_w_ten) + " " + str(interval_time_w_one) + "                    every  " + str(interval_time_b_ten) + " " + str(interval_time_b_one) + "                  ", True, white)
          interval_sel3_surface = body.render("Click set to save these changes.", True, white)
          interval_sel4_surface = body.render("Click back to select a different mode.", True, white)
          interval_sel5_surface = body.render("Click cancel to return to the homescreen", True, white)
          interval_sel6_surface = body.render("and discard all changes.", True, white)
          screen.blit(interval_sel1_surface, interval_sel1_surface.get_rect(center = (int(width/2), 50)))
          screen.blit(interval_sel2_surface, interval_sel2_surface.get_rect(center = (int(width/2), 70)))
          screen.blit(interval_sel3_surface, interval_sel3_surface.get_rect(center = (int(width/2), 130)))
          screen.blit(interval_sel4_surface, interval_sel4_surface.get_rect(center = (int(width/2), 150)))
          screen.blit(interval_sel5_surface, interval_sel5_surface.get_rect(center = (int(width/2), 170)))
          screen.blit(interval_sel6_surface, interval_sel6_surface.get_rect(center = (int(width/2), 185)))
          interval_sel7_surface = body.render(interval_units[interval_w_time_selected_tent], True, white)
          screen.blit(interval_sel7_surface, interval_sel7_surface.get_rect(center = (100, 70)))
          interval_sel7_surface = body.render(interval_units[interval_b_time_selected_tent], True, white)
          screen.blit(interval_sel7_surface, interval_sel7_surface.get_rect(center = (240, 70)))
          # Diplay the number control arrows
          for label, tri_pos in interval_arrows.items():
              if (label == "U_w_ten"):
                  tri = pygame.draw.polygon(screen, (nsel, white)[interval_time_w_ten < 5], tri_pos)
              elif (label == "U_w_one"):
                  tri = pygame.draw.polygon(screen, (nsel, white)[interval_time_w_one < 9], tri_pos)
              elif (label == "U_w_unit"):
                  tri = pygame.draw.polygon(screen, (nsel, white)[interval_w_time_selected_tent < 3 and ((interval_w_time_selected_tent + 1) <= interval_b_time_selected_tent)], tri_pos)
              elif (label == "U_b_ten"):
                  tri = pygame.draw.polygon(screen, (nsel, white)[interval_time_b_ten < 5], tri_pos)
              elif (label == "U_b_one"):
                  tri = pygame.draw.polygon(screen, (nsel, white)[interval_time_b_one < 9], tri_pos)
              elif (label == "U_b_unit"):
                  tri = pygame.draw.polygon(screen, (nsel, white)[interval_b_time_selected_tent < 3], tri_pos)
              elif (label == "D_w_ten"):
                  tri = pygame.draw.polygon(screen, (nsel, white)[interval_time_w_ten > 0 and (10*interval_time_w_ten + interval_time_w_one) - 10 > 0], tri_pos)
              elif (label == "D_w_one"):
                  tri = pygame.draw.polygon(screen, (nsel, white)[interval_time_w_one > 0 and (10*interval_time_w_ten + interval_time_w_one) - 1 > 0], tri_pos)
              elif (label == "D_w_unit"):
                  tri = pygame.draw.polygon(screen, (nsel, white)[interval_w_time_selected_tent > 0], tri_pos)
              elif (label == "D_b_ten"):
                  tri = pygame.draw.polygon(screen, (nsel, white)[interval_time_b_ten > 0 and (10*interval_time_b_ten + interval_time_b_one) - 10 > 0], tri_pos)
              elif (label == "D_b_one"):
                  tri = pygame.draw.polygon(screen, (nsel, white)[interval_time_b_one > 0 and (10*interval_time_b_ten + interval_time_b_one) - 1 > 0], tri_pos)
              elif (label == "D_b_unit"):
                  tri = pygame.draw.polygon(screen, (nsel, white)[interval_b_time_selected_tent > 0 and (interval_w_time_selected_tent <= (interval_b_time_selected_tent - 1))], tri_pos)
              interval_arrows_rect[label] = tri
      # Display the control buttons
      for button_text, text_pos in control_buttons2.items():
          if (intervals_selected and interval_w_time_selected_tent == interval_b_time_selected_tent and 10*interval_time_w_ten + interval_time_w_one >= 10*interval_time_b_ten + interval_time_b_one and button_text == "Set"):
              text_surface = body.render(button_text, True, nsel)
              rect = text_surface.get_rect(center = text_pos)
              screen.blit(text_surface, rect)
              control_buttons2_rect[button_text] = rect
              text_surface = body.render(button_text, True, white)
              rect = text_surface.get_rect(center = text_pos)
              screen.blit(text_surface, rect)
              control_buttons2_rect[button_text] = rect
      # Display the new screen
  control_buttons_m = {"Next":(int(width/4), 220), "Back":(int(2*width/4), 220), "Cancel":(int(3*width/4), 220)}
  control_buttons_m_rect = {}
  plant_type_buttons = {"Flower":(int(width/4), 150), "Fruit":(int(2*width/4), 150), "Tree/Shrub":(int(3*width/4), 150), "My Own Value":(int(width/2), 180)}
  plant_type_buttons_rect = {}
  def display_plant_sel():
      # Erase everything on the screen
      # Display header for type of schedule user chose
      sched_header_surface = header.render("Moisture Sensing Mode", True, white)
      screen.blit(sched_header_surface, sched_header_surface.get_rect(center = (int(width/2), 20)))
      # Display message prompting user if they want to use reference values or set their own values
      moisture_m1_surface = body.render("If you would like to use pre-defined reference", True, white)
      moisture_m2_surface = body.render("values, select your plant type. You will be", True, white)
      moisture_m3_surface = body.render("prompted for a specific plant on the next page.", True, white)
      moisture_m4_surface = body.render("Otherwise, select 'My Own Value'.", True, white)
      screen.blit(moisture_m1_surface, moisture_m1_surface.get_rect(center = (int(width/2), 50)))
      screen.blit(moisture_m2_surface, moisture_m2_surface.get_rect(center = (int(width/2), 70)))
      screen.blit(moisture_m3_surface, moisture_m3_surface.get_rect(center = (int(width/2), 90)))
      screen.blit(moisture_m4_surface, moisture_m4_surface.get_rect(center = (int(width/2), 110)))
      # Display the plant type
      for button_text, text_pos in plant_type_buttons.items():
        if (button_text == "Flower" and flower_selected):
          text_surface = body.render(button_text, True, sel)
        elif (button_text == "Fruit" and fruit_selected):
            text_surface = body.render(button_text, True, sel)
        elif (button_text == "Tree/Shrub" and tree_selected):
            text_surface = body.render(button_text, True, sel)
        elif (button_text == "My Own Value" and own_selected):
            text_surface = body.render(button_text, True, sel)
            text_surface = body.render(button_text, True, white)
        rect = text_surface.get_rect(center = text_pos)
        screen.blit(text_surface, rect)
        plant_type_buttons_rect[button_text] = rect
      # Display the control buttons
      for button_text, text_pos in control_buttons_m.items():
          if button_text == "Next" and not (flower_selected or fruit_selected or tree_selected or own_selected):
              text_surface = body.render(button_text, True, nsel)
              text_surface = body.render(button_text, True, white)
          rect = text_surface.get_rect(center = text_pos)
          screen.blit(text_surface, rect)
          control_buttons_m_rect[button_text] = rect
      # Display the new screen
  # Reference Values
  # Recommended Soil Moisture Percentages
  # All data from
  categories = ["Flowers", "Fruits", "Trees & Shrubs"]
  moisture_levels = [(0,20), (21,40), (41,60), (61,80)]
  Flowers1 = [("Agave", 0, 1), ("Aster", 1), ("Astilbe", 2), ("Big Blue Stem", 1), ("Bleeding Heart", 2),
             ("Butterfly Weed", 1), ("Cactus", 0, 1), ("Catmint", 1), ("Christmas Fern", 1), ("Coneflower", 1),
             ("Daffodil", 1, 2), ("Dalia", 1, 2), ("Daylilly", 1, 2), ("Gaillardia", 1), ("Heath/Heather", 1),
             ("Hellebores", 2), ("Hosta", 1, 2), ("Hyssop", 1), ("Iris", 1, 2), ("Ironweed", 2), ("Jack In Pulpits", 2),
             ("Joe-Pye Weed", 2), ("Lavendar", 1), ("Lemon Balm", 1)]
  Flowers2 = [("Lily", 1, 2), ("Lobellia", 2, 3), ("Lupine", 2),
             ("Marigold", 1), ("Marsh Marigold", 3), ("May Apple", 2), ("Meadow Rue", 2, 3), ("Monarda", 1),
             ("Ornamental Grasses", 1), ("Peony", 1, 2), ("Petunia", 1), ("Poppy", 1),
             ("Purple Coneflower", 1), ("Queen of the Prairie", 2), ("Red Milkweed", 2), ("Sedge", 1, 2, 3),
             ("Sedum", 0, 1), ("Pansy", 1, 2), ("Tulip", 1, 2), ("Violet", 1, 2), ("Yarrow", 0, 1), ("Yucca", 0, 1),
             ("Zinnia", 1)]
  flower1_rect = {}
  flower2_rect = {}
  Fruits = [("Apple", 1, 2), ("Grape", 1, 2), ("Fig", 1, 2), ("Peach", 1, 2), ("Pear", 1, 2),
            ("Raspberry", 1, 2), ("Strawberry", 1, 2), ("Blackberry", 1, 2), ("Blueberry", 2), ("Cranberry", 3)]
  fruit_rect = {}
  TreesShrubs1 = [("Alpine Current", 1), ("American Filbert", 1, 2), ("American Holly", 1), ("Amur Privet", 1),
                 ("Arborvitae", 1), ("Azalea", 1, 2), ("Bald Cypress", 1, 2, 3), ("Barberry", 1), ("Birch", 2),
                 ("Black Tupelo", 1), ("Chinese Juniper", 1), ("Clematis", 1, 2), ("Common Boxwood", 1),
                 ("Common Elderberry", 2), ("Common Lilac", 1), ("Crab Apple", 1), ("Crape Myrtle", 1, 2),
                 ("Dawn Redwood", 2, 3), ("Dogwood", 2, 3), ("Eastern Red Cedar", 1), ("Elderberry", 1, 2, 3),
                 ("Elm", 1, 2), ("Frazier Fir", 1), ("Gardenia", 1)]
  TreesShrubs2 = [("Ginkgo", 1), ("Hawthorn", 1), ("Holly", 1),
                 ("Honey Locust", 1), ("Horse Chestnut", 1), ("Hydragea", 2), ("Juniper", 1), ("Lilac", 1), ("Maple", 1),
                 ("Mockorange", 1), ("New Jersey Tea", 1), ("Oak", 1), ("Ohio Buckeye", 1), ("Potentilla", 0, 1),
                 ("Red Cedar", 2), ("Red Twig Dogwood", 2), ("Rhodendron", 2), ("Rose", 1), ("Rugosa Rose", 0, 1),
                 ("Saucer Magnolia", 1), ("Serviceberry", 1, 2), ("Silver Maple", 1, 2), ("Spirea", 1), ("Spruce", 1)]
  TreesShrubs3 = [("Sugar Maple", 1), ("Swamp White Oak", 3), ("Sweetshrub", 1, 2), ("Tamarac/Larch", 2, 3), ("White Fir", 1),
                 ("White Pine", 2), ("Willow", 2, 3)]
  tree1_rect = {}
  tree2_rect = {}
  tree3_rect = {}
  sum = 0
  num = 0
  for flower in Flowers1:
      sum += (moisture_levels[flower[1]][0] + moisture_levels[flower[len(flower)-1]][1])/2
      num += 1
  for flower in Flowers2:
      sum += (moisture_levels[flower[1]][0] + moisture_levels[flower[len(flower)-1]][1])/2
      num += 1
  generalFlower = int(round(sum / num))
  sum = 0
  num = 0
  for fruit in Fruits:
      sum += (moisture_levels[fruit[1]][0] + moisture_levels[fruit[len(fruit)-1]][1])/2
      num += 1
  generalFruit = int(round(sum / num))
  sum = 0
  num = 0
  for tree in TreesShrubs1:
      sum += (moisture_levels[tree[1]][0] + moisture_levels[tree[len(tree)-1]][1])/2
      num += 1
  for tree in TreesShrubs2:
      sum += (moisture_levels[tree[1]][0] + moisture_levels[tree[len(tree)-1]][1])/2
      num += 1
  for tree in TreesShrubs3:
      sum += (moisture_levels[tree[1]][0] + moisture_levels[tree[len(tree)-1]][1])/2
      num += 1
  generalTreeShrub = int(round(sum / num))
  # Display select flower screen
  next_screen = {'>>>':(int(width - 35), 203)}
  next_screen_rect = {}
  flower_selected = False
  fruit_selected = False
  tree_selected = False
  own_selected = False
  other_selected = False
  flower_sel = None
  fruit_sel = None
  tree_sel = None
  def display_flowers1():
      # Erase everything on the screen
      # Display header for type of schedule user chose
      sched_header_surface = header.render("Moisture Sensing Mode", True, white)
      screen.blit(sched_header_surface, sched_header_surface.get_rect(center = (int(width/2), 20)))
      # Display message prompting user if they want to use reference values or set their own values
      moisture_m1_surface = body.render("Select the flower that you want to water. If", True, white)
      moisture_m2_surface = body.render("it does not appear on this screen, select '>>>'.", True, white)
      screen.blit(moisture_m1_surface, moisture_m1_surface.get_rect(center = (int(width/2), 45)))
      screen.blit(moisture_m2_surface, moisture_m2_surface.get_rect(center = (int(width/2), 65)))
      start_center = (int(width/6), 85)
      for flower in Flowers1:
          if flower[0] == flower_sel:
              text_surface = plant.render(flower[0], True, sel)
              text_surface = plant.render(flower[0], True, white)
          rect = text_surface.get_rect(center = start_center)
          screen.blit(text_surface, rect)
          flower1_rect[flower[0]] = rect
          start_center = (start_center[0], start_center[1] + 15)
          if start_center[1] >= 205:
              start_center = (start_center[0] + int(2*width/6), 85)
      # Display the control buttons
      for button_text, text_pos in control_buttons_m.items():
          if (button_text == "Next" and flower_sel == None and other_selected == False):
              text_surface = body.render(button_text, True, nsel)
              text_surface = body.render(button_text, True, white)
          rect = text_surface.get_rect(center = text_pos)
          screen.blit(text_surface, rect)
          control_buttons_m_rect[button_text] = rect
      # Go to next page arrow to select plants later in alphabet
      for button_text, text_pos in next_screen.items():
          text_surface = header.render(button_text, True, white)
          rect = text_surface.get_rect(center = text_pos)
          screen.blit(text_surface, rect)
          next_screen_rect[button_text] = rect
      # Display the new screen
  no_ref = {'<<<':(35, 203), 'Other':(int(5*width/6), 195)}
  no_ref_rect = {}
  def display_flowers2():
      # Erase everything on the screen
      # Display header for type of schedule user chose
      sched_header_surface = header.render("Moisture Sensing Mode", True, white)
      screen.blit(sched_header_surface, sched_header_surface.get_rect(center = (int(width/2), 20)))
      # Display message prompting user if they want to use reference values or set their own values
      moisture_m1_surface = body.render("Select the flower that you want to water. If", True, white)
      moisture_m2_surface = body.render("it does not appear on this screen, select 'Other'.", True, white)
      screen.blit(moisture_m1_surface, moisture_m1_surface.get_rect(center = (int(width/2), 45)))
      screen.blit(moisture_m2_surface, moisture_m2_surface.get_rect(center = (int(width/2), 65)))
      start_center = (int(width/6), 85)
      for flower in Flowers2:
          if flower[0] == flower_sel:
              text_surface = plant.render(flower[0], True, sel)
              text_surface = plant.render(flower[0], True, white)
          rect = text_surface.get_rect(center = start_center)
          screen.blit(text_surface, rect)
          flower2_rect[flower[0]] = rect
          start_center = (start_center[0], start_center[1] + 15)
          if start_center[1] >= 205:
              start_center = (start_center[0] + int(2*width/6), 85)
      # Display the control buttons
      for button_text, text_pos in control_buttons_m.items():
          if (button_text == "Next" and flower_sel == None and other_selected == False):
              text_surface = body.render(button_text, True, nsel)
              text_surface = body.render(button_text, True, white)
          rect = text_surface.get_rect(center = text_pos)
          screen.blit(text_surface, rect)
          control_buttons_m_rect[button_text] = rect
      # Go to next page arrow to select plants later in alphabet
      for button_text, text_pos in no_ref.items():
          if (button_text == "Other" and other_selected):
              text_surface = header.render(button_text, True, sel)
              text_surface = header.render(button_text, True, white)
          rect = text_surface.get_rect(center = text_pos)
          screen.blit(text_surface, rect)
          no_ref_rect[button_text] = rect
      # Display the new screen
  # Display select fruit screen
  fruit_buttons = {'Other':(int(3*width/6), 125)}
  fruit_buttons_rect = {}
  def display_fruit():
      # Erase everything on the screen
      # Display header for type of schedule user chose
      sched_header_surface = header.render("Moisture Sensing Mode", True, white)
      screen.blit(sched_header_surface, sched_header_surface.get_rect(center = (int(width/2), 20)))
      # Display message prompting user if they want to use reference values or set their own values
      moisture_m1_surface = body.render("Select the fruit that you want to water. If", True, white)
      moisture_m2_surface = body.render("it does not appear on this screen, select 'Other'.", True, white)
      screen.blit(moisture_m1_surface, moisture_m1_surface.get_rect(center = (int(width/2), 45)))
      screen.blit(moisture_m2_surface, moisture_m2_surface.get_rect(center = (int(width/2), 65)))
      start_center = (int(width/6), 85)
      for fruit in Fruits:
          if fruit[0] == fruit_sel:
              text_surface = plant.render(fruit[0], True, sel)
              text_surface = plant.render(fruit[0], True, white)
          rect = text_surface.get_rect(center = start_center)
          screen.blit(text_surface, rect)
          fruit_rect[fruit[0]] = rect
          start_center = (start_center[0], start_center[1] + 15)
          if start_center[1] >= 205:
              start_center = (start_center[0] + int(2*width/6), 85)
      # Display the control buttons
      for button_text, text_pos in control_buttons_m.items():
          if (button_text == "Next" and fruit_sel == None and other_selected == False):
              text_surface = body.render(button_text, True, nsel)
              text_surface = body.render(button_text, True, white)
          rect = text_surface.get_rect(center = text_pos)
          screen.blit(text_surface, rect)
          control_buttons_m_rect[button_text] = rect
      # Other button
      for button_text, text_pos in fruit_buttons.items():
          if (button_text == "Other" and other_selected):
              text_surface = header.render(button_text, True, sel)
              text_surface = header.render(button_text, True, white)
          rect = text_surface.get_rect(center = text_pos)
          screen.blit(text_surface, rect)
          fruit_buttons_rect[button_text] = rect
      # Display the new screen
  # Display select tree screen
  tree_buttons = {">>>":(int(width - 50), 203), "<<<":(35, 203), "Other":(int(3*width/6), 140)}
  tree_buttons_rect = {}
  def display_tree1():
      # Erase everything on the screen
      # Display header for type of schedule user chose
      sched_header_surface = header.render("Moisture Sensing Mode", True, white)
      screen.blit(sched_header_surface, sched_header_surface.get_rect(center = (int(width/2), 20)))
      # Display message prompting user if they want to use reference values or set their own values
      moisture_m1_surface = body.render("Select the tree/shrub that you want to water.", True, white)
      moisture_m2_surface = body.render("If it does not appear on this screen, select '>>>'.", True, white)
      screen.blit(moisture_m1_surface, moisture_m1_surface.get_rect(center = (int(width/2), 45)))
      screen.blit(moisture_m2_surface, moisture_m2_surface.get_rect(center = (int(width/2), 65)))
      start_center = (int(width/6), 85)
      for tree in TreesShrubs1:
          if tree[0] == tree_sel:
              text_surface = plant.render(tree[0], True, sel)
              text_surface = plant.render(tree[0], True, white)
          rect = text_surface.get_rect(center = start_center)
          screen.blit(text_surface, rect)
          tree1_rect[tree[0]] = rect
          start_center = (start_center[0], start_center[1] + 15)
          if start_center[1] >= 205:
              start_center = (start_center[0] + int(2*width/6), 85)
      # Display the control buttons
      for button_text, text_pos in control_buttons_m.items():
          if (button_text == "Next" and tree_sel == None and other_selected == False):
              text_surface = body.render(button_text, True, nsel)
              text_surface = body.render(button_text, True, white)
          rect = text_surface.get_rect(center = text_pos)
          screen.blit(text_surface, rect)
          control_buttons_m_rect[button_text] = rect
      # Other button
      for button_text, text_pos in tree_buttons.items():
          if (button_text == "<<<" or button_text == "Other"):
          text_surface = header.render(button_text, True, white)
          rect = text_surface.get_rect(center = text_pos)
          screen.blit(text_surface, rect)
          tree_buttons_rect[button_text] = rect
      # Display the new screen
  def display_tree2():
      # Erase everything on the screen
      # Display header for type of schedule user chose
      sched_header_surface = header.render("Moisture Sensing Mode", True, white)
      screen.blit(sched_header_surface, sched_header_surface.get_rect(center = (int(width/2), 20)))
      # Display message prompting user if they want to use reference values or set their own values
      moisture_m1_surface = body.render("Select the tree/shrub that you want to water.", True, white)
      moisture_m2_surface = body.render("If it does not appear on this screen, select '>>>'.", True, white)
      screen.blit(moisture_m1_surface, moisture_m1_surface.get_rect(center = (int(width/2), 45)))
      screen.blit(moisture_m2_surface, moisture_m2_surface.get_rect(center = (int(width/2), 65)))
      start_center = (int(width/6), 85)
      for tree in TreesShrubs2:
          if tree[0] == tree_sel:
              text_surface = plant.render(tree[0], True, sel)
              text_surface = plant.render(tree[0], True, white)
          rect = text_surface.get_rect(center = start_center)
          screen.blit(text_surface, rect)
          tree2_rect[tree[0]] = rect
          start_center = (start_center[0], start_center[1] + 15)
          if start_center[1] >= 205:
              start_center = (start_center[0] + int(2*width/6), 85)
      # Display the control buttons
      for button_text, text_pos in control_buttons_m.items():
          if (button_text == "Next" and tree_sel == None and other_selected == False):
              text_surface = body.render(button_text, True, nsel)
              text_surface = body.render(button_text, True, white)
          rect = text_surface.get_rect(center = text_pos)
          screen.blit(text_surface, rect)
          control_buttons_m_rect[button_text] = rect
      # Other button
      for button_text, text_pos in tree_buttons.items():
          if (button_text == "Other"):
          text_surface = header.render(button_text, True, white)
          rect = text_surface.get_rect(center = text_pos)
          screen.blit(text_surface, rect)
          tree_buttons_rect[button_text] = rect
      # Display the new screen
  def display_tree3():
      # Erase everything on the screen
      # Display header for type of schedule user chose
      sched_header_surface = header.render("Moisture Sensing Mode", True, white)
      screen.blit(sched_header_surface, sched_header_surface.get_rect(center = (int(width/2), 20)))
      # Display message prompting user if they want to use reference values or set their own values
      moisture_m1_surface = body.render("Select the tree/shrub that you want to water.", True, white)
      moisture_m2_surface = body.render("If it does not appear on this screen, select 'Other'.", True, white)
      screen.blit(moisture_m1_surface, moisture_m1_surface.get_rect(center = (int(width/2), 45)))
      screen.blit(moisture_m2_surface, moisture_m2_surface.get_rect(center = (int(width/2), 65)))
      start_center = (int(width/6), 85)
      for tree in TreesShrubs3:
          if tree[0] == tree_sel:
              text_surface = plant.render(tree[0], True, sel)
              text_surface = plant.render(tree[0], True, white)
          rect = text_surface.get_rect(center = start_center)
          screen.blit(text_surface, rect)
          tree3_rect[tree[0]] = rect
          start_center = (start_center[0], start_center[1] + 15)
          if start_center[1] >= 205:
              start_center = (start_center[0] + int(2*width/6), 85)
      # Display the control buttons
      for button_text, text_pos in control_buttons_m.items():
          if (button_text == "Next" and tree_sel == None and other_selected == False):
              text_surface = body.render(button_text, True, nsel)
              text_surface = body.render(button_text, True, white)
          rect = text_surface.get_rect(center = text_pos)
          screen.blit(text_surface, rect)
          control_buttons_m_rect[button_text] = rect
      # Other button
      for button_text, text_pos in tree_buttons.items():
          if button_text == ">>>":
          if (button_text == "Other" and other_selected):
              text_surface = header.render(button_text, True, sel)
              text_surface = header.render(button_text, True, white)
          rect = text_surface.get_rect(center = text_pos)
          screen.blit(text_surface, rect)
          tree_buttons_rect[button_text] = rect
      # Display the new screen
  # Display moisture value for plant screen
  specific_buttons = {"Set":(int(width/8), 220), "Edit":(int(3*width/8), 220), "Back":(int(5*width/8), 220), "Cancel":(int(7*width/8), 220)}
  specific_buttons_rect = {}
  temp_desired_val = 0
  def display_specific():
      # Erase everything on the screen
      # Display header for type of schedule user chose
      sched_header_surface = header.render("Moisture Sensing Mode", True, white)
      screen.blit(sched_header_surface, sched_header_surface.get_rect(center = (int(width/2), 20)))
      # Calculate the bounds and average values within those bounds
      lower_val = 0
      upper_val = 0
      if flower_selected:
          for flower in Flowers1:
              if flower[0] == flower_sel:
                  lower_val = moisture_levels[flower[1]][0]
                  upper_val = moisture_levels[flower[len(flower)-1]][1]
          for flower in Flowers2:
              if flower[0] == flower_sel:
                  lower_val = moisture_levels[flower[1]][0]
                  upper_val = moisture_levels[flower[len(flower)-1]][1]
      elif fruit_selected:
          for fruit in Fruits:
              if fruit[0] == fruit_sel:
                  lower_val = moisture_levels[fruit[1]][0]
                  upper_val = moisture_levels[fruit[len(fruit)-1]][1]
      elif tree_selected:
          for tree in TreesShrubs1:
              if tree[0] == tree_sel:
                  lower_val = moisture_levels[tree[1]][0]
                  upper_val = moisture_levels[tree[len(tree)-1]][1]
          for tree in TreesShrubs2:
              if tree[0] == tree_sel:
                  lower_val = moisture_levels[tree[1]][0]
                  upper_val = moisture_levels[tree[len(tree)-1]][1]
          for tree in TreesShrubs3:
              if tree[0] == tree_sel:
                  lower_val = moisture_levels[tree[1]][0]
                  upper_val = moisture_levels[tree[len(tree)-1]][1]
      global temp_desired_val
      temp_desired_val = int(round((lower_val + upper_val)/2))
      # Display message showing recommended value for that plant
      moisture_m1 = "The recommended soil moisture for a"
      moisture_m2 = ((tree_sel, flower_sel)[flower_selected], fruit_sel)[fruit_selected] + " is " + str(temp_desired_val) + "%"
      moisture_m1_surface = body.render(moisture_m1, True, white)
      moisture_m2_surface = body.render(moisture_m2, True, white)
      moisture_m3_surface = body.render("Click set to proceed with recommended value.", True, white)
      moisture_m4_surface = body.render("Click edit to edit this value.", True, white)
      moisture_m5_surface = body.render("Click back to go back to plant selection.", True, white)
      moisture_m6_surface = body.render("Click cancel to cancel all edits and return", True, white)
      moisture_m7_surface = body.render("to the homescreen.", True, white)
      screen.blit(moisture_m1_surface, moisture_m1_surface.get_rect(center = (int(width/2), 45)))
      screen.blit(moisture_m2_surface, moisture_m2_surface.get_rect(center = (int(width/2), 65)))
      screen.blit(moisture_m3_surface, moisture_m3_surface.get_rect(center = (int(width/2), 90)))
      screen.blit(moisture_m4_surface, moisture_m4_surface.get_rect(center = (int(width/2), 115)))
      screen.blit(moisture_m5_surface, moisture_m5_surface.get_rect(center = (int(width/2), 140)))
      screen.blit(moisture_m6_surface, moisture_m6_surface.get_rect(center = (int(width/2), 165)))
      screen.blit(moisture_m7_surface, moisture_m7_surface.get_rect(center = (int(width/2), 185)))
      # Display the control buttons
      for button_text, text_pos in specific_buttons.items():
          text_surface = body.render(button_text, True, white)
          rect = text_surface.get_rect(center = text_pos)
          screen.blit(text_surface, rect)
          specific_buttons_rect[button_text] = rect
  # Display moisture value for general plant type screen
  def display_general():
      # Erase everything on the screen
      # Display header for type of schedule user chose
      sched_header_surface = header.render("Moisture Sensing Mode", True, white)
      screen.blit(sched_header_surface, sched_header_surface.get_rect(center = (int(width/2), 20)))
      # Display message showing recommended value for that plant type
      moisture_m1 = "The recommended soil moisture for a"
      moisture_m2 = "general " + (("tree", "flower")[flower_selected], "fruit")[fruit_selected] + " is " + str(((generalTreeShrub, generalFlower)[flower_selected], generalFruit)[fruit_selected]) + "%"
      moisture_m1_surface = body.render(moisture_m1, True, white)
      moisture_m2_surface = body.render(moisture_m2, True, white)
      moisture_m3_surface = body.render("Click set to proceed with recommended value.", True, white)
      moisture_m4_surface = body.render("Click edit to edit this value.", True, white)
      moisture_m5_surface = body.render("Click back to go back to plant selection.", True, white)
      moisture_m6_surface = body.render("Click cancel to cancel all edits and return", True, white)
      moisture_m7_surface = body.render("to the homescreen.", True, white)
      screen.blit(moisture_m1_surface, moisture_m1_surface.get_rect(center = (int(width/2), 45)))
      screen.blit(moisture_m2_surface, moisture_m2_surface.get_rect(center = (int(width/2), 65)))
      screen.blit(moisture_m3_surface, moisture_m3_surface.get_rect(center = (int(width/2), 90)))
      screen.blit(moisture_m4_surface, moisture_m4_surface.get_rect(center = (int(width/2), 115)))
      screen.blit(moisture_m5_surface, moisture_m5_surface.get_rect(center = (int(width/2), 140)))
      screen.blit(moisture_m6_surface, moisture_m6_surface.get_rect(center = (int(width/2), 165)))
      screen.blit(moisture_m7_surface, moisture_m7_surface.get_rect(center = (int(width/2), 185)))
      # Display the control buttons
      for button_text, text_pos in specific_buttons.items():
          text_surface = body.render(button_text, True, white)
          rect = text_surface.get_rect(center = text_pos)
          screen.blit(text_surface, rect)
          specific_buttons_rect[button_text] = rect
  # GUI Control
  code_run = True
  while code_run:
      # GUI Homescreen Functionalilty
      if ( screen_num == 0):
          # Get the moisture, temperature, and humidity values
          moisture = round(pm.get_wetness())
          temp = round(9*pm.get_temp()/5 + 32)
          humidity = round(pm.get_humidity())
          # Get the light value
          light = measure_light()
          # Display the homescreen (with the updated values)
          # Reset the schedule selected variables
          # We do this in the case the the user advances to the next screen, then hits back or cancel
          # because we don't want anything to be selected when going into the second screen
          manual_selected = False
          moisture_selected = False
          intervals_selected = False
          # Check for button press. If button is pressed, perform its action
          for event in pygame.event.get():
              if ( event.type is MOUSEBUTTONUP ):
                  pos = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
                  x,y = pos
                  for (text, rect) in home_buttons_rect.items():
                      if (rect.collidepoint(pos)):
                          # If user wants to edit the schedule, advance to the next screen
                          if (text == "Edit Schedule"):
                              print("Edit Schedule: Advancing to 'Select Mode' Screen")
                              screen_num = 1
                          # Otherwise, if the user wants to start or stop the water (and we're in manual watering mode),
                          # start/stop the water pump
                          elif (text == "Start/Stop Water"):
                              if schedule_selected == 0:
                                  if currently_watering:
          # Water the plant for 3 seconds, wait 5 seconds, re-read moisture value, and water again if needed
          if schedule_selected == 1:
              if moisture < desired_moisture and not currently_watering:
              elif currently_watering and moisture > desired_moisture:
          if schedule_selected == 2:
              if not currently_watering:
                  if time.time() >= last_water_end + between_time_sec:
                  if time.time() >= last_water_start + water_time_sec:
      # GUI Select Mode Functionality
      elif ( screen_num == 1 ):
          # Display the select mode screen
          own_selected = False
          flower_selected = False
          fruit_selected = False
          tree_selected = False
          # Check for button press. If button is pressed, perform its action
          for event in pygame.event.get():
              if ( event.type is MOUSEBUTTONUP ):
                  pos = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
                  x,y = pos
                  for (text, rect) in control_buttons_rect.items():
                      if (rect.collidepoint(pos)):
                          # If the next button is hit and a mode is selected, go to the next screen
                          # If the next button is hit but a mode is not selected, stay on this screen
                          if (text == "Next"):
                              if (manual_selected or intervals_selected):
                                  print("Next: Advancing to 'Set Values for Selected Mode' Screen")
                                  screen_num = 2
                              if moisture_selected:
                                  print("Next: Advancing to 'Select Plant' Screen")
                                  screen_num = 3
                              # If intervals are selected, reset the tentative interval variables
                              # This is used in the case that the user selects intervals, changes the frequency,
                              # but cancels changes before saving. We want the initial numbers to match the current interval
                              if intervals_selected:
                                  interval_b_time_selected_tent = interval_b_time_selected
                                  interval_w_time_selected_tent = interval_w_time_selected
                          # If cancel is pressed, go back to the home screen
                          elif (text == "Cancel"):
                              print("Cancel: Going Back to 'Home' Screen")
                              screen_num = 0
                  # Update the variables for which mode the user has tentatively selected. Set all
                  # other modes to false
                  for (text, rect) in sched_buttons_rect.items():
                      if (rect.collidepoint(pos)):
                          if (text == "Manual"):
                              manual_selected = True
                              moisture_selected = False
                              intervals_selected = False
                              print("Manual Mode Selected")
                          elif (text == "Moisture"):
                              manual_selected = False
                              moisture_selected = True
                              intervals_selected = False
                              print("Moisture Mode Selected")
                          elif ( text == "Intervals"):
                              manual_selected = False
                              moisture_selected = False
                              intervals_selected = True
                              print("Interval Mode Selected")
      # GUI Set Values for Selected Mode Screen
      elif ( screen_num == 2 ):
          for event in pygame.event.get():
              if ( event.type is MOUSEBUTTONUP ):
                  pos = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
                  x,y = pos
                  for (text, rect) in control_buttons2_rect.items():
                      if (rect.collidepoint(pos)):
                          if (text == "Set"):
                              if manual_selected:
                                  screen_num = 0
                                  schedule_selected = 0
                                  print("Manual Mode Set, Returning to Homepage")
                              elif moisture_selected:
                                  screen_num = 0
                                  schedule_selected = 1
                                  desired_moisture = 100*moisture_hund + 10*moisture_ten + moisture_one
                                  print("Moisture Mode Selected, Returning to Homepage")
                                  if not (interval_w_time_selected_tent == interval_b_time_selected_tent and 10*interval_time_b_ten + interval_time_b_one <= 10*interval_time_w_ten + interval_time_w_one):
                                      screen_num = 0
                                      schedule_selected = 2
                                      interval_b_time = 10*interval_time_b_ten + interval_time_b_one
                                      interval_w_time = 10*interval_time_w_ten + interval_time_w_one
                                      interval_b_time_selected = interval_b_time_selected_tent
                                      interval_w_time_selected = interval_w_time_selected_tent
                                      print("Interval Mode Selected, Returning to Homepage")
                          elif (text == "Back"):
                              if moisture_selected:
                                  moisture_thous = int(desired_moisture/1000)
                                  moisture_hund  = int((desired_moisture - 1000*moisture_thous)/100)
                                  moisture_ten   = int((desired_moisture - 1000*moisture_thous - 100*moisture_hund)/10)
                                  moisture_one   = desired_moisture % 10
                              elif intervals_selected:
                                  interval_time_w_ten = int(interval_w_time/10)
                                  interval_time_w_one = interval_w_time % 10
                                  interval_w_time_selected_tent = interval_w_time_selected
                                  interval_time_b_ten = int(interval_b_time/10)
                                  interval_time_b_one = interval_b_time % 10
                                  interval_b_time_selected_tent = interval_b_time_selected
                              print("Going Back a Level")
                              screen_num = 1
                          elif (text == "Cancel"):
                              if moisture_selected:
                                moisture_thous = int(desired_moisture/1000)
                                moisture_hund  = int((desired_moisture - 1000*moisture_thous)/100)
                                moisture_ten   = int((desired_moisture - 1000*moisture_thous - 100*moisture_hund)/10)
                                moisture_one   = desired_moisture % 10
                              elif intervals_selected:
                                  interval_time_w_ten = int(interval_w_time/10)
                                  interval_time_w_one = interval_w_time % 10
                                  interval_w_time_selected_tent = interval_w_time_selected
                                  interval_time_b_ten = int(interval_b_time/10)
                                  interval_time_b_one = interval_b_time % 10
                                  interval_b_time_selected_tent = interval_b_time_selected
                              print("Canceling Edits, Returning to Homepage")
                              screen_num = 0
                  # If we're editing the desired moisture level, have arrows increase or decrease the desired moisture level
                  if moisture_selected:
                      for (text, rect) in moisture_buttons_rect.items():
                          if (rect.collidepoint(pos)):
                              if (text == "U_hund"):
                                  if moisture_hund < 1:
                                      moisture_hund += 1
                                      moisture_ten = 0
                                      moisture_one = 0
                              elif (text == "U_ten"):
                                  if moisture_ten < 9 and moisture_hund < 1:
                                      moisture_ten += 1
                              elif (text == "U_one"):
                                  if moisture_one < 9 and moisture_hund < 1:
                                      moisture_one += 1
                              elif (text == "D_hund"):
                                  if moisture_hund > 0:
                                      moisture_hund -= 1
                              elif (text == "D_ten"):
                                  if moisture_ten > 0:
                                      moisture_ten -= 1
                              elif (text == "D_one"):
                                  if moisture_one > 0:
                                      moisture_one -= 1
                  if intervals_selected:
                      for (text, rect) in interval_arrows_rect.items():
                          if (rect.collidepoint(pos)):
                              if (text == "U_w_ten"):
                                  if (interval_time_w_ten < 5):
                                      interval_time_w_ten += 1
                              elif (text == "U_w_one"):
                                  if (interval_time_w_one < 9):
                                      interval_time_w_one += 1
                              elif (text == "U_w_unit"):
                                  if (interval_w_time_selected_tent < 3 and ((interval_w_time_selected_tent + 1) <= interval_b_time_selected_tent)):
                                      interval_w_time_selected_tent += 1
                              elif (text == "U_b_ten"):
                                  if (interval_time_b_ten < 5):
                                      interval_time_b_ten += 1
                              elif (text == "U_b_one"):
                                  if (interval_time_b_one < 9):
                                      interval_time_b_one += 1
                              elif (text == "U_b_unit"):
                                  if (interval_b_time_selected_tent < 3):
                                      interval_b_time_selected_tent += 1
                              elif (text == "D_w_ten"):
                                  if (interval_time_w_ten > 0 and (10*interval_time_w_ten + interval_time_w_one) - 10 > 0):
                                      interval_time_w_ten -= 1
                              elif (text == "D_w_one"):
                                  if (interval_time_w_one > 0 and (10*interval_time_w_ten + interval_time_w_one) - 1 > 0):
                                      interval_time_w_one -= 1
                              elif (text == "D_w_unit"):
                                  if (interval_w_time_selected_tent > 0):
                                      interval_w_time_selected_tent -= 1
                              elif (text == "D_b_ten" and (10*interval_time_b_ten + interval_time_b_one) - 10 > 0):
                                  if (interval_time_b_ten > 0):
                                      interval_time_b_ten -= 1
                              elif (text == "D_b_one"):
                                  if (interval_time_b_one > 0 and (10*interval_time_b_ten + interval_time_b_one) - 1 > 0):
                                      interval_time_b_one -= 1
                              elif (text == "D_b_unit"):
                                  if (interval_b_time_selected_tent > 0  and (interval_w_time_selected_tent <= (interval_b_time_selected_tent - 1))):
                                      interval_b_time_selected_tent -= 1
                      # The time for each watering is just the watering time that the user specifies
                      water_time_sec = 10*interval_time_w_ten + interval_time_w_one
                      if interval_w_time_selected > 0:
                          water_time_sec *= 60
                      if interval_w_time_selected > 1:
                          water_time_sec *= 60
                      if interval_w_time_selected > 2:
                          water_time_sec *= 24
                      # The time between waterings is equal to the "every ___" time minus the time we want to water for
                      # For example, if we want to water the plant for 1 second every 5 seconds, we would
                      # water for 1 second, wait for 4 seconds, water for 1 second, wait for 4 seconds, etc.
                      between_time_sec = 10*interval_time_b_ten + interval_time_b_one
                      if interval_b_time_selected > 0:
                          between_time_sec *= 60
                      if interval_b_time_selected > 1:
                          between_time_sec *= 60
                      if interval_b_time_selected > 2:
                          between_time_sec *= 24
                      between_time_sec -= water_time_sec
      # GUI Select Plant Type Screen
      elif ( screen_num == 3 ):
          # Display the select plant type screen
          flower_sel = None
          fruit_sel = None
          tree_sel = None
          other_selected = False
          # Check for button press. If button is pressed, perform its action
          for event in pygame.event.get():
              if ( event.type is MOUSEBUTTONUP ):
                  pos = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
                  x,y = pos
                  for (text, rect) in plant_type_buttons_rect.items():
                      if (rect.collidepoint(pos)):
                          if (text == "Flower"):
                              flower_selected = True
                              fruit_selected = False
                              tree_selected = False
                              own_selected = False
                          elif (text == "Fruit"):
                              flower_selected = False
                              fruit_selected = True
                              tree_selected = False
                              own_selected = False
                          elif (text == "Tree/Shrub"):
                              flower_selected = False
                              fruit_selected = False
                              tree_selected = True
                              own_selected = False
                          elif (text == "My Own Value"):
                              flower_selected = False
                              fruit_selected = False
                              tree_selected = False
                              own_selected = True
                  for (text, rect) in control_buttons_m_rect.items():
                      if (rect.collidepoint(pos)):
                          if (text == "Next"):
                              # If the user has selected a mode, advance to the next screen
                              if flower_selected:
                                  screen_num = 4
                              elif fruit_selected:
                                  screen_num = 6
                              elif tree_selected:
                                  screen_num = 7
                              elif own_selected:
                                  screen_num = 2
                          elif (text == "Back"):
                              flower_selected = False
                              fruit_selected = False
                              tree_selected = False
                              own_selected = False
                              print("Going Back a Level")
                              screen_num = 1
                          elif (text == "Cancel"):
                              flower_selected = False
                              fruit_selected = False
                              tree_selected = False
                              own_selected = False
                              print("Canceling Edits, Returning to Homepage")
                              screen_num = 0
      # GUI Select Flower Screen 1
      elif ( screen_num == 4 ):
          # Display the select flower screen
          # Check for button press. If button is pressed, perform its action
          for event in pygame.event.get():
              if ( event.type is MOUSEBUTTONUP ):
                  pos = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
                  x,y = pos
                  for (text, rect) in flower1_rect.items():
                      if rect.collidepoint(pos):
                          flower_sel = text
                  for (text,rect) in next_screen_rect.items():
                      if rect.collidepoint(pos):
                          if text == ">>>":
                              print("Going to next page of flowers")
                              screen_num = 5
                  for (text,rect) in control_buttons_m_rect.items():
                      if rect.collidepoint(pos):
                          if text == "Next":
                              if flower_sel != None:
                                  screen_num = 10
                          elif text == "Back":
                              flower_sel = None
                              screen_num = 3
                          elif text == "Cancel":
                              flower_sel = None
                              flower_selected = False
                              screen_num = 0
      # GUI Select Flower Screen 2
      elif ( screen_num == 5 ):
          # Display the select flower screen
          # Check for button press. If button is pressed, perform its action
          for event in pygame.event.get():
              if ( event.type is MOUSEBUTTONUP ):
                  pos = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
                  x,y = pos
                  for (text, rect) in flower2_rect.items():
                      if rect.collidepoint(pos):
                          flower_sel = text
                          other_selected = False
                  for (text,rect) in no_ref_rect.items():
                      if rect.collidepoint(pos):
                          if text == "<<<":
                              print("Going to previous page of flowers")
                              screen_num = 4
                          elif text == "Other":
                              other_selected = True
                              flower_sel = None
                  for (text,rect) in control_buttons_m_rect.items():
                      if rect.collidepoint(pos):
                          if text == "Next":
                              if flower_sel != None:
                                  print("Next: Advancing to specific plant page")
                                  screen_num = 10
                              elif other_selected:
                                  print("Next: Advancing to general value page")
                                  screen_num = 11
                          elif text == "Back":
                              flower_sel = None
                              other_selected = False
                              screen_num = 3
                          elif text == "Cancel":
                              flower_sel = None
                              flower_selected = False
                              other_selected = False
                              screen_num = 0
      # GUI Select Fruit Screen
      elif ( screen_num == 6 ):
          # Display the select fruit screen
          # Check for button press. If button is pressed, perform its action
          for event in pygame.event.get():
              if ( event.type is MOUSEBUTTONUP ):
                  pos = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
                  x,y = pos
                  for (text, rect) in fruit_rect.items():
                      if rect.collidepoint(pos):
                          fruit_sel = text
                          other_selected = False
                  for (text,rect) in fruit_buttons_rect.items():
                      if rect.collidepoint(pos):
                          if text == "Other":
                              other_selected = True
                              fruit_sel = None
                  for (text,rect) in control_buttons_m_rect.items():
                      if rect.collidepoint(pos):
                          if text == "Next":
                              if fruit_sel != None:
                                  print("Next: Advancing to specific plant page")
                                  screen_num = 10
                              elif other_selected:
                                  print("Next: Advancing to general value page")
                                  screen_num = 11
                          elif text == "Back":
                              fruit_sel = None
                              other_selected = False
                              screen_num = 3
                          elif text == "Cancel":
                              flower_sel = None
                              flower_selected = False
                              other_selected = False
                              screen_num = 0
      # GUI Select Tree/Shrub Screen 1
      elif ( screen_num == 7 ):
          # Display the select fruit screen
          # Check for button press. If button is pressed, perform its action
          for event in pygame.event.get():
              if ( event.type is MOUSEBUTTONUP ):
                  pos = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
                  x,y = pos
                  for (text, rect) in tree1_rect.items():
                      if rect.collidepoint(pos):
                          tree_sel = text
                          other_selected = False
                  for (text,rect) in tree_buttons_rect.items():
                      if rect.collidepoint(pos):
                          if text == "Other":
                              other_selected = True
                              tree_sel = None
                          elif text == ">>>":
                              print("Going to next page of trees")
                              screen_num = 8
                  for (text,rect) in control_buttons_m_rect.items():
                      if rect.collidepoint(pos):
                          if text == "Next":
                              if tree_sel != None:
                                  print("Next: Advancing to specific plant page")
                                  screen_num = 10
                              elif other_selected:
                                  print("Next: Advancing to general value page")
                                  screen_num = 11
                          elif text == "Back":
                              tree_sel = None
                              other_selected = False
                              screen_num = 3
                          elif text == "Cancel":
                              screen_num = 0
      # GUI Select Tree/Shrub Screen 2
      elif ( screen_num == 8 ):
          # Display the select fruit screen
          # Check for button press. If button is pressed, perform its action
          for event in pygame.event.get():
              if ( event.type is MOUSEBUTTONUP ):
                  pos = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
                  x,y = pos
                  for (text, rect) in tree2_rect.items():
                      if rect.collidepoint(pos):
                          tree_sel = text
                          other_selected = False
                  for (text,rect) in tree_buttons_rect.items():
                      if rect.collidepoint(pos):
                          if text == "Other":
                              other_selected = True
                              tree_sel = None
                          elif text == ">>>":
                              print("Going to next page of trees")
                              screen_num = 9
                          elif text == "<<<":
                              print("Going to previous page of trees")
                              screen_num = 7
                  for (text,rect) in control_buttons_m_rect.items():
                      if rect.collidepoint(pos):
                          if text == "Next":
                              if tree_sel != None:
                                  print("Next: Advancing to specific plant page")
                                  screen_num = 10
                              elif other_selected:
                                  print("Next: Advancing to general value page")
                                  screen_num = 11
                          elif text == "Back":
                              tree_sel = None
                              other_selected = False
                              screen_num = 3
                          elif text == "Cancel":
                              screen_num = 0
      # GUI Select Tree/Shrub Screen 3
      elif ( screen_num == 9 ):
          # Display the select fruit screen
          # Check for button press. If button is pressed, perform its action
          for event in pygame.event.get():
              if ( event.type is MOUSEBUTTONUP ):
                  pos = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
                  x,y = pos
                  for (text, rect) in tree3_rect.items():
                      if rect.collidepoint(pos):
                          tree_sel = text
                          other_selected = False
                  for (text,rect) in tree_buttons_rect.items():
                      if rect.collidepoint(pos):
                          if text == "Other":
                              other_selected = True
                              tree_sel = None
                          elif text == "<<<":
                              print("Going to previous page of trees")
                              screen_num = 8
                  for (text,rect) in control_buttons_m_rect.items():
                      if rect.collidepoint(pos):
                          if text == "Next":
                              if tree_sel != None:
                                  print("Next: Advancing to specific plant page")
                                  screen_num = 10
                              elif other_selected:
                                  print("Next: Advancing to general value page")
                                  screen_num = 11
                          elif text == "Back":
                              tree_sel = None
                              other_selected = False
                              screen_num = 3
                          elif text == "Cancel":
                              screen_num = 0
      # GUI Confirm Plant Moisture Value Screen
      elif ( screen_num == 10 ):
          # Display the general moisture value screen
          # Check for button press. If button is pressed, perform its action
          for event in pygame.event.get():
              if ( event.type is MOUSEBUTTONUP ):
                  pos = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
                  x,y = pos
                  for (text, rect) in specific_buttons_rect.items():
                      if rect.collidepoint(pos):
                          if text == "Set":
                              desired_moisture = temp_desired_val
                              schedule_selected = 1
                              screen_num = 0
                          elif text == "Edit":
                              moisture_hund = int((temp_desired_val / 100))
                              moisture_ten = int((temp_desired_val / 10))
                              moisture_one  = (temp_desired_val % 10)
                              screen_num = 2
                          elif text == "Back":
                              if flower_selected:
                                  screen_num = 4
                              elif fruit_selected:
                                  screen_num = 6
                              elif tree_selected:
                                  screen_num = 7
                          elif text == "Cancel":
                              flower_selected = False
                              fruit_selected = False
                              tree_selected = False
                              flower_sel = None
                              fruit_sel = None
                              tree_sel = None
                              moisture_selected = False
                              screen_num = 0
      # GUI Confirm General Plant Moisture Value Screen
      elif ( screen_num == 11 ):
          # Display the specific moisture value screen
          # Check for button press. If button is pressed, perform its action
          for event in pygame.event.get():
              if ( event.type is MOUSEBUTTONUP ):
                  pos = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
                  x,y = pos
                  for (text, rect) in specific_buttons_rect.items():
                      if rect.collidepoint(pos):
                          if text == "Set":
                              working = ((generalTreeShrub, generalFlower)[flower_selected], generalFruit)[fruit_selected]
                              desired_moisture = working
                              schedule_selected = 1
                              screen_num = 0
                          elif text == "Edit":
                              working = ((generalTreeShrub, generalFlower)[flower_selected], generalFruit)[fruit_selected]
                              moisture_hund = int(working / 100)
                              moisture_ten = int(working / 10)
                              moisture_one  = (working % 10)
                              screen_num = 2
                          elif text == "Back":
                              if flower_selected:
                                  screen_num = 4
                              elif fruit_selected:
                                  screen_num = 6
                              elif tree_selected:
                                  screen_num = 7
                          elif text == "Cancel":
                              flower_selected = False
                              fruit_selected = False
                              tree_selected = False
                              flower_sel = None
                              fruit_sel = None
                              tree_sel = None
                              moisture_selected = False
                              screen_num = 0
  # Stop the water
  if currently_watering:
  # Nicely end the GPIO stuff

# Ashley Heckman (agh93) & Maria Boza (mib57)
# Wednesday Lab, Team 6
# ECE 5725 Final Project

import serial
import time

class PlantMonitor:
    """A Class for the MonkMakes Plant Monitor"""

    wetness = 0
    temp = 0
    humidity = 0
    ser = None
    delay_period = 0.1

    def __init__(self):
         self.ser = serial.Serial("/dev/serial0", 9600)

    def get_wetness(self):
        return self.wetness

    def get_temp(self):
        return self.temp

    def get_humidity(self):
        return self.humidity

    def led_off(self):

    def led_on(self):

    def send(self, message):
        self.ser.write(bytes(message+"\n", 'utf-8'))

    def _wait_for_message(self):
        time.sleep(self.delay_period) # give attiny time to respond
        incoming_message = str(self.ser.readline()[:-2].decode("utf-8"))  # rem>
        message_parts = incoming_message.split("=")
        if len(message_parts) == 2:
            code, value = message_parts
            if code == "w":
                self.wetness = float(value)
            elif code == "t":
                self.temp = float(value)
            elif code == "h":
                self.humidity = float(value)

# Ashley Heckman (agh93) & Maria Boza (mib57)
  # Wednesday Lab, Team 6
  # ECE 5725 Final Project
  # Source code from the official PiCamera package
  import io
  import picamera
  import logging
  import socketserver
  from threading import Condition
  from http import server
  from threading import Thread
  watering_sched = []
          <title>Automatic Plant Waterer</title>
          <meta charset = "UTF-8">
          <meta name = "viewport" content = "width = device-width, initial-scale = 1">
          <link href = "" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
          <script defer src=""></script>
            body {
              font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
          <div id = "everything">
              <div id = "main-title">
                  Automatic Plant Waterer
              <div id = "class-info">
                  <center>Ashley Heckman (agh93) & Maria Boza (mib57)</center>
                  <center>ECE 5725 Final Project</center>
                  <center>Spring 2023</center>
              <div id = "all-but-title">
                  <div id = "subtitle">
                  <div class = "main-text">
                      Check out the live camera stream to see how your plant is doing! Watch 
                      those plants grow!<br>
                  <center><img src="stream.mjpg" width="320" height="240"></center>
  class StreamingOutput(object):
      def __init__(self):
          self.frame = None
          self.buffer = io.BytesIO()
          self.condition = Condition()
      def write(self, buf):
          if buf.startswith(b'\xff\xd8'):
              # New frame, copy the existing buffer's content and notify all
              # clients it's available
              with self.condition:
                  self.frame = self.buffer.getvalue()
          return self.buffer.write(buf)
  class StreamingHandler(server.BaseHTTPRequestHandler):
      def do_GET(self):
          if self.path == '/':
              self.send_header('Location', '/index.html')
          elif self.path == '/index.html':
              content = PAGE.encode('utf-8')
              self.send_header('Content-Type', 'text/html')
              self.send_header('Content-Length', len(content))
          elif self.path == '/stream.mjpg':
              self.send_header('Age', 0)
              self.send_header('Cache-Control', 'no-cache, private')
              self.send_header('Pragma', 'no-cache')
              self.send_header('Content-Type', 'multipart/x-mixed-replace; boundary=FRAME')
                  while True:
                      with output.condition:
                          frame = output.frame
                      self.send_header('Content-Type', 'image/jpeg')
                      self.send_header('Content-Length', len(frame))
              except Exception as e:
                      'Removed streaming client %s: %s',
                      self.client_address, str(e))
  class StreamingServer(socketserver.ThreadingMixIn, server.HTTPServer):
      allow_reuse_address = True
      daemon_threads = True
  output = StreamingOutput()
  class Cam(Thread):
      def __init__(self):
          self.daemon = True
      def run(self):
          with picamera.PiCamera(resolution='640x480', framerate=24) as camera:
              #Uncomment the next line to change your Pi's Camera rotation (in degrees)
              #camera.rotation = 90
              camera.start_recording(output, format='mjpeg')
                  address = ('', 8000)
                  server = StreamingServer(address, StreamingHandler)
  a = 0
  class Control(Thread):
      def __init__(self):
          self.daemon = True
      def run(self):
          while True:
              global a
              #a += 1
  while True: